To Cameron and Back

My finals is around the corner and I went to Cameron Highlands for holiday xD was fun, but sadly i didn't buy any souvenirs. Eric drove us to Cameron(we did get lost a bit...=x) ...thx ya kor kor !! The weather there is so cooling !! A perfect weather to sleep ! I spend most of my free time taking photos with my k530 though xD.

check out the link if u are interested xD lots of photo xD

This is the first time i took photos with bro in a trip...and this is my personal favorite ! xD and he looks so happy. lolz never see him smile like this before ler...lolz I wonder why... =x maybe because his girl is taking his photo ? =x


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A simple diary of a teenage guy who spends most of his time gaming and watching j-drama. Idolizes japan and hopes to pay Japan a visit in the future. ;) Enjoy your stay.

Faithful Sheeps